Planting Rooftops

The green roof project starting its third stage

After a month of logistical preparations and successive training of the beneficiaries which concluded today at 23 of September with a practical application of planting seedlings and seeds under the supervision of the project engineer Mr. Suleiman Suleiman. The third phase of the green roofs project implemented by Nashet Social and Cultural Association.

This stage includes the installation of 30 agricultural tents on the roofs of houses in Ein El Helwieh Camp from Jabal Al Haleab passing through all neighborhoods to Al Sikki and Al Taamear. The area of the tents ranges between 20-25 meter square provided with soil, seedlings and seeds intended for seasonal vegetables and accompanied by a barrel for planting a monthly Italian Lemon tree and pillows for strawberry cultivation.

The aim of the project is to fully provide all the needs of the family and the ability to transfer the remains to the relatives within the framework of strengthening social solidarity ties. Also the beneficiary can benefit financially if he wants.

On September 21, the beneficiaries met with the General Director of Nashet Social and Cultural association for the official launch of the project, where he delivered a speech that focused on the importance of the Palestinians to secure their food needs with their own capacities as much as possible in order to ensure the independence of their food and environmental security.

In his speech, he also focused on the importance of adhering to health and environmental standards in agriculture and comprehensive avoidance of chemicals in the interests of food safety.

He also stressed the importance of acquiring knowledge and information about agriculture for all beneficiaries and working on its societal transfer to form a comprehensive culture that contributes to the interest in the values of self-reliance, stressing that this falls within the context of the call to reformulate the Palestinian message in Lebanon, which is based on demonstrating and developing source of self-strength. As an essential element in Palestinian national struggle.

At the same time, the project management is preparing to start the fourth stage soon, in a plan to transform the camp into a green forest that will be able to secure all its needs and give a distinct aesthetic touch.


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