Nashet ScoutTop news

Nashet scout visits Al-Hamshare hospital

Community service has a scout value that requires activation

After government decisions to gradually return to normal life, the scout leaders in  Nashet  scout initiated an emphasis on the priority of activating community service and converting it into work diaries for all scout teams to reduce the negative effects of home stone and disrupt the different aspects of life throughout the previous period.

An active boy scout has initiated repulsive meetings with the majority of scout groups working in Ain El-Hilweh camp to discuss a mechanism for coordinating and creating joint work programs focused on community service.

A delegation of an active scout visited Al-Hamshary Hospital and met its management represented by Dr. Rabad Ayo Al-Enain.

What briefed the delegation on the hospital’s role during the period of the home quarantine and the health measures adopted so far to prevent the corona epidemic.

It also touched on the developments and updates taking place in most of the departments, which makes Al-Hamshari Hospital among the major hospitals in the region.

The Scout Activist Team, in turn, praised the role and praised the performance of all the workers, including doctors, nurses, technicians and workers.

Emphasis was also placed on the periodic visits of the scouting team to the sick children, for their sympathy and the relief of their pain through appropriate activities and introducing joy and pleasure

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