Palestine Girls Club (PGC)

Nashet association ends the second basketball course under the title of “the trophy of we exist”

Nashet association organized the annual course in basketball under the title “the trophy of we exist” on Sunday in the 4B playground, with the participation of four feminist teams (nashet association team, Arab Palestinian youth club , Palestinian youth club in Beirut , and al maani club in Sidon), with the presence of Dr. Abed Al Rahman Al Bizri , and Manal Al Qortam, she is the one who released “ we exist
“ campaign, and Dr. Zafar Al Khateab, the chairman of the administration body of the association, and Majid Hamadto, the secretary of the gathering of foundations in Sidon, and public characters, and characters who work with the civil society and heads of sport clubs and a large crowd of participants and fans.

At the beginning, they started the competition with the Lebanese and the Palestinian anthem. Dr Abed Al Rahman Al Bizri delivered a speech, he said: “I send my greeting to Nashet for this course that is considered as an annual.

Also, Al Bizri said that the Palestinians are an integral part of the local Sidon Fabric and when we say that Palestinians are existed, we say directly that Sidon is existed and we consider that Sidon exist in unique scene because it’s the only city that it’s difficult to find discrimination between Palestinians and Lebanese. Although we consider that the Palestinians are found in each heart of a Sidon human and it will stay like this till the end to return back to Palestine.

Also he assumed that everyone who forbid the Palestinians from their civil and political rights in Lebanon is against the Palestinians and against the Palestinian cause and his goal is to remove them from Lebanon and force them to emigrate.

The speech of “ we exist campaign” was delivered by Manal Al Qortam and she said:” we exist campaign is working for a new address and a new approach of the Palestinian issue in Lebanon based on asking Lebanon to give the Palestinians their rights in this country considering it the country of the official residence till the return.

As well as the consequences of the denial of Palestinian rights from his natural rights (education, work, shelter, interacting, and formation of organization) is such a rob of his dignity, where it deprives him of the natural course of human development and weakens them as humans and deprives them of their ability to defend their rights identity.

There is a responsibility falls on Lebanon as a host country, and an international responsibility for the safety of Palestinians dignity and offering him decent living conditions allows them to build their capacity.

In addition, Qortam affirmed that #we exist is working for building alliances and attracting the largest numbers of supporters because the formation of a continuous pressure of force can change the equation.

Finally, the competition started and display a popular folklore for Al Awda team who’s related to Nashet association.

The first place was for the Arab Youth Club and the second was for the Palestine Youth Club in Beirut, and at the end, cups and medals were handed out to all the participants.


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