Association News

Geneva Call and Nashet association organized their annual third Ramadan Breakfast

On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, Geneva Call and Nashet association organized their annual third Ramadan breakfast in the Moasat building in Sidon, in the presence of the Lebanese prime minister Dr Fadi Abi Allam, leaders of Palestinian and Lebanese factions, civil society organizations and media and cultural personalities.

This year’s celebration was characterized by the participation of the first rank of the leadership of the Palestinian factions in Lebanon, Sidon and Ein El Helwieh camp. It is also worth mentioning that the breakfast table was prepared in the Palestinian kitchen “Zewadetna”, which is supervised by the cooperative women’s association of the association. And the recitation of passages from Al Quran

 And the Lebanese and Palestinian anthems.

The meeting began with a welcoming speech from Nashet association and Geneva Call which was delivered by Heba Mikhaeal, the representative of Geneva Call in Lebanon, who congratulated the participants on the holy month of Ramadan and then reviewed several mutual activities between the two parties and stressed the importance of these meetings for their opportunity to meet and dialogue.

The meeting was moderated by the advisor of Lebanese Prime Minister Dr. Fadi Abi Allam. He explained the concept of human security by working on liberating people from fear and need. He explained seven types of security including social, economic, food, health, and environmental, individual and political security. He also said to the Palestinian factions that even if you are today refugees in Lebanon, you are certainly steadfast in Palestine.

Then, a speech for the Palestinian liberation organization was delivered from a member of the political office of the democratic front for the liberation of Palestine and its official in Lebanon Mr. Ali Faisal who started his speech by welcoming this dialogue workshop, stressing on the importance of these dialogues in their way to produce visions and common approaches to various problems that need serious treatments.  At a time when social and economic pressure are rising. Faisal pointed out that there is no close proximity to the Palestinian camps in Lebanon. He said that political, social, health and food security are interrelated, stressing that the first targeting remains for the United States and Israel. Whereas the core of their project that is known as the century deal are the refugees and the Palestinian gathering. Faisal addressed the dangers of the continued deterioration of the social and the economic reality in camps and being the Palestinians deprived from the primary rights. At the end of his speech, he called on the Lebanese state and the Palestinian liberation organization to be engaged in a direct dialogue starting from their differences to produce a common approach.

A speech by the Palestinian Forces Alliance was delivered by the representative of the Hamas movement in Lebanon, Dr. Ahmed Abdel Hadi, in which he pointed out that security in the comprehensive sense should not be limited to the military and security field dimension. It is human security and social security. In order to achieve security, there are two challenges that need to be answered. Is the internal challenge related to the security situation inside the camps at the level of chaotic use of weapons and the development of problems and lack of security discipline within the camps? This challenge is a challenge for us as Palestinians who need an internal Palestinian response and are on two levels first level through the Palestinian Labor Authority The joint level of the camps in the camps to drop the vision to find formulas to control the security situation and pointed out that there are previous experiences, including success, including failure, including what succeeded in part what needs to be adjusted in accordance with the current circumstances.

Then the speech of the leftist Palestinian forces, Mr. Abu Firas Ayoub Al-Ghorab , the member of the Central Committee and Secretary of the Lebanese Organization of the Palestinian People’s Party, in which he stressed that we are on the path to achieve these demands of our Lebanese brothers, we in the Palestinian factions to activate the common political leadership. As well as the activation of its popular bodies and frameworks, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the legitimate and sole representative of our people, wherever they may be, to develop a clear and unified plan and program of action to provide a joint and clear plan of action for our Lebanese brothers. In order to ensure the social security and security of the camps in the face of everything that is woven or directed to our camps and our people in all categories. As necessary steps in order to support the Palestinian refugees’ steadfastness in order to continue the struggle on the way to realizing the right of return.

The representative of Islamic Jihad in Lebanon, Mr. Ihsan Ataya, called for concerted efforts by all to confront the pests that many seek to spread in the Palestinian camps. He pointed out the importance of the role of NGOs and the community in spreading awareness, contributing to addressing the social and humanitarian problems in our camps and concluding with the demand of UNRWA and all concerned to provide a decent life for our Palestinian people until returning home after liberation from the Zionist occupation.

The human rights activist, Manal AlQortam, who released “We Exist “ campaign  stressed that the absolute importance of the campaign of the two people in the discourse on the need to unify the discourse and adopt a new approach to the rights of the Palestinians in Lebanon that stems from the duty of the state and the international community and the right of the Palestinians to be within the framework of a legal system that enables them to develop their individual and community identity. She stressed that it is time for a speech that focuses on the fundamentals of the right of return and the most important of these are the empowerment of Palestinians in the countries and give them full basic rights to allow them to be strong. When he is strong he will be able to attain his political rights as the right to return.

In her intervention on the achievements of the Unit,

The leadership of Fateh Movement and the Director of the Legal Support Unit, Ms. Amal Shehabi, focused on the legal support unit achievements with the help from Geneva Call and she talked about the accomplishment of the attitude contribution. She called on the factions to abide these attitude contribution for its importance by adhering to international rules.

There was an intervention by the lawyer Raed Ataya, who called on the Palestinian factions to agree and unite, not to go unilaterally to demand the civil and social rights of the Palestinian people. If they are not united, the Lebanese state will not give them anything special, and they exploit the non-unity of the Palestinian parties to preserve the based status.

Then, Mr. Aslan’s intervention began by thanking the organizers of the meeting and breakfast “Nashet Association and Geneva Call”. He said that when we accept to receive the Palestinian cause on the people of Palestine who were expelled from their homes we have contributed in one way or another conspiracy on this issue, which is a nation issue and it is accepted by the West and the elimination of our Islamic state and the divisions of Sykes and Pico and the original in the Arab countries hosting the people of Palestine to treat the people of Palestine as humans, not security or military.



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